Default true (all registered block types supported) * @param WP_Post $post The post resource data. */ $allowed_block_types = apply_filters_deprecated( 'allowed_block_types', array( $allowed_block_types, $post ), '5.8.0', 'allowed_block_types_all' ); } return $allowed_block_types; } /** * Returns the default block editor settings. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @return array The default block editor settings. */ function get_default_block_editor_settings() { // Media settings. // wp_max_upload_size() can be expensive, so only call it when relevant for the current user. $max_upload_size = 0; if ( current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { $max_upload_size = wp_max_upload_size(); if ( ! $max_upload_size ) { $max_upload_size = 0; } } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */ $image_size_names = apply_filters( 'image_size_names_choose', array( 'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail' ), 'medium' => __( 'Medium' ), 'large' => __( 'Large' ), 'full' => __( 'Full Size' ), ) ); $available_image_sizes = array(); foreach ( $image_size_names as $image_size_slug => $image_size_name ) { $available_image_sizes[] = array( 'slug' => $image_size_slug, 'name' => $image_size_name, ); } $default_size = get_option( 'image_default_size', 'large' ); $image_default_size = in_array( $default_size, array_keys( $image_size_names ), true ) ? $default_size : 'large'; $image_dimensions = array(); $all_sizes = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes(); foreach ( $available_image_sizes as $size ) { $key = $size['slug']; if ( isset( $all_sizes[ $key ] ) ) { $image_dimensions[ $key ] = $all_sizes[ $key ]; } } // These styles are used if the "no theme styles" options is triggered or on // themes without their own editor styles. $default_editor_styles_file = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/css/dist/block-editor/default-editor-styles.css'; static $default_editor_styles_file_contents = false; if ( ! $default_editor_styles_file_contents && file_exists( $default_editor_styles_file ) ) { $default_editor_styles_file_contents = file_get_contents( $default_editor_styles_file ); } $default_editor_styles = array(); if ( $default_editor_styles_file_contents ) { $default_editor_styles = array( array( 'css' => $default_editor_styles_file_contents ), ); } $editor_settings = array( 'alignWide' => get_theme_support( 'align-wide' ), 'allowedBlockTypes' => true, 'allowedMimeTypes' => get_allowed_mime_types(), 'defaultEditorStyles' => $default_editor_styles, 'blockCategories' => get_default_block_categories(), 'isRTL' => is_rtl(), 'imageDefaultSize' => $image_default_size, 'imageDimensions' => $image_dimensions, 'imageEditing' => true, 'imageSizes' => $available_image_sizes, 'maxUploadFileSize' => $max_upload_size, // The following flag is required to enable the new Gallery block format on the mobile apps in 5.9. '__unstableGalleryWithImageBlocks' => true, ); $theme_settings = get_classic_theme_supports_block_editor_settings(); foreach ( $theme_settings as $key => $value ) { $editor_settings[ $key ] = $value; } return $editor_settings; } /** * Returns the block editor settings needed to use the Legacy Widget block which * is not registered by default. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @return array Settings to be used with get_block_editor_settings(). */ function get_legacy_widget_block_editor_settings() { $editor_settings = array(); /** * Filters the list of widget-type IDs that should **not** be offered by the * Legacy Widget block. * * Returning an empty array will make all widgets available. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param string[] $widgets An array of excluded widget-type IDs. */ $editor_settings['widgetTypesToHideFromLegacyWidgetBlock'] = apply_filters( 'widget_types_to_hide_from_legacy_widget_block', array( 'pages', 'calendar', 'archives', 'media_audio', 'media_image', 'media_gallery', 'media_video', 'search', 'text', 'categories', 'recent-posts', 'recent-comments', 'rss', 'tag_cloud', 'custom_html', 'block', ) ); return $editor_settings; } /** * Collect the block editor assets that need to be loaded into the editor's iframe. * * @since 6.0.0 * @access private * * @global WP_Styles $wp_styles The WP_Styles current instance. * @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts The WP_Scripts current instance. * * @return array { * The block editor assets. * * @type string|false $styles String containing the HTML for styles. * @type string|false $scripts String containing the HTML for scripts. * } */ function _wp_get_iframed_editor_assets() { global $wp_styles, $wp_scripts; // Keep track of the styles and scripts instance to restore later. $current_wp_styles = $wp_styles; $current_wp_scripts = $wp_scripts; // Create new instances to collect the assets. $wp_styles = new WP_Styles(); $wp_scripts = new WP_Scripts(); /* * Register all currently registered styles and scripts. The actions that * follow enqueue assets, but don't necessarily register them. */ $wp_styles->registered = $current_wp_styles->registered; $wp_scripts->registered = $current_wp_scripts->registered; /* * We generally do not need reset styles for the iframed editor. * However, if it's a classic theme, margins will be added to every block, * which is reset specifically for list items, so classic themes rely on * these reset styles. */ $wp_styles->done = wp_theme_has_theme_json() ? array( 'wp-reset-editor-styles' ) : array(); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-polyfill' ); // Enqueue the `editorStyle` handles for all core block, and dependencies. wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-edit-blocks' ); if ( current_theme_supports( 'wp-block-styles' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-block-library-theme' ); } /* * We don't want to load EDITOR scripts in the iframe, only enqueue * front-end assets for the content. */ add_filter( 'should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles', '__return_false' ); do_action( 'enqueue_block_assets' ); remove_filter( 'should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles', '__return_false' ); $block_registry = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance(); /* * Additionally, do enqueue `editorStyle` assets for all blocks, which * contains editor-only styling for blocks (editor content). */ foreach ( $block_registry->get_all_registered() as $block_type ) { if ( isset( $block_type->editor_style_handles ) && is_array( $block_type->editor_style_handles ) ) { foreach ( $block_type->editor_style_handles as $style_handle ) { wp_enqueue_style( $style_handle ); } } } /** * Remove the deprecated `print_emoji_styles` handler. * It avoids breaking style generation with a deprecation message. */ $has_emoji_styles = has_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); if ( $has_emoji_styles ) { remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); } ob_start(); wp_print_styles(); wp_print_font_faces(); wp_print_font_faces_from_style_variations(); $styles = ob_get_clean(); if ( $has_emoji_styles ) { add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); } ob_start(); wp_print_head_scripts(); wp_print_footer_scripts(); $scripts = ob_get_clean(); // Restore the original instances. $wp_styles = $current_wp_styles; $wp_scripts = $current_wp_scripts; return array( 'styles' => $styles, 'scripts' => $scripts, ); } /** * Finds the first occurrence of a specific block in an array of blocks. * * @since 6.3.0 * * @param array $blocks Array of blocks. * @param string $block_name Name of the block to find. * @return array Found block, or empty array if none found. */ function wp_get_first_block( $blocks, $block_name ) { foreach ( $blocks as $block ) { if ( $block_name === $block['blockName'] ) { return $block; } if ( ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) { $found_block = wp_get_first_block( $block['innerBlocks'], $block_name ); if ( ! empty( $found_block ) ) { return $found_block; } } } return array(); } /** * Retrieves Post Content block attributes from the current post template. * * @since 6.3.0 * @since 6.4.0 Return null if there is no post content block. * @access private * * @global int $post_ID * * @return array|null Post Content block attributes array or null if Post Content block doesn't exist. */ function wp_get_post_content_block_attributes() { global $post_ID; $is_block_theme = wp_is_block_theme(); if ( ! $is_block_theme || ! $post_ID ) { return null; } $template_slug = get_page_template_slug( $post_ID ); if ( ! $template_slug ) { $post_slug = 'singular'; $page_slug = 'singular'; $template_types = get_block_templates(); foreach ( $template_types as $template_type ) { if ( 'page' === $template_type->slug ) { $page_slug = 'page'; } if ( 'single' === $template_type->slug ) { $post_slug = 'single'; } } $what_post_type = get_post_type( $post_ID ); switch ( $what_post_type ) { case 'page': $template_slug = $page_slug; break; default: $template_slug = $post_slug; break; } } $current_template = get_block_templates( array( 'slug__in' => array( $template_slug ) ) ); if ( ! empty( $current_template ) ) { $template_blocks = parse_blocks( $current_template[0]->content ); $post_content_block = wp_get_first_block( $template_blocks, 'core/post-content' ); if ( isset( $post_content_block['attrs'] ) ) { return $post_content_block['attrs']; } } return null; } /** * Returns the contextualized block editor settings for a selected editor context. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param array $custom_settings Custom settings to use with the given editor type. * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context. * * @return array The contextualized block editor settings. */ function get_block_editor_settings( array $custom_settings, $block_editor_context ) { $editor_settings = array_merge( get_default_block_editor_settings(), array( 'allowedBlockTypes' => get_allowed_block_types( $block_editor_context ), 'blockCategories' => get_block_categories( $block_editor_context ), ), $custom_settings ); $global_styles = array(); $presets = array( array( 'css' => 'variables', '__unstableType' => 'presets', 'isGlobalStyles' => true, ), array( 'css' => 'presets', '__unstableType' => 'presets', 'isGlobalStyles' => true, ), ); foreach ( $presets as $preset_style ) { $actual_css = wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( $preset_style['css'] ) ); if ( '' !== $actual_css ) { $preset_style['css'] = $actual_css; $global_styles[] = $preset_style; } } if ( wp_theme_has_theme_json() ) { $block_classes = array( 'css' => 'styles', '__unstableType' => 'theme', 'isGlobalStyles' => true, ); $actual_css = wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( $block_classes['css'] ) ); if ( '' !== $actual_css ) { $block_classes['css'] = $actual_css; $global_styles[] = $block_classes; } /* * Add the custom CSS as a separate stylesheet so any invalid CSS * entered by users does not break other global styles. */ $global_styles[] = array( 'css' => wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( 'custom-css' ) ), '__unstableType' => 'user', 'isGlobalStyles' => true, ); } else { // If there is no `theme.json` file, ensure base layout styles are still available. $block_classes = array( 'css' => 'base-layout-styles', '__unstableType' => 'base-layout', 'isGlobalStyles' => true, ); $actual_css = wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( $block_classes['css'] ) ); if ( '' !== $actual_css ) { $block_classes['css'] = $actual_css; $global_styles[] = $block_classes; } } $editor_settings['styles'] = array_merge( $global_styles, get_block_editor_theme_styles() ); $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures'] = wp_get_global_settings(); // These settings may need to be updated based on data coming from theme.json sources. if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['palette'] ) ) { $colors_by_origin = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['palette']; $editor_settings['colors'] = isset( $colors_by_origin['custom'] ) ? $colors_by_origin['custom'] : ( isset( $colors_by_origin['theme'] ) ? $colors_by_origin['theme'] : $colors_by_origin['default'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['gradients'] ) ) { $gradients_by_origin = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['gradients']; $editor_settings['gradients'] = isset( $gradients_by_origin['custom'] ) ? $gradients_by_origin['custom'] : ( isset( $gradients_by_origin['theme'] ) ? $gradients_by_origin['theme'] : $gradients_by_origin['default'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['fontSizes'] ) ) { $font_sizes_by_origin = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['fontSizes']; $editor_settings['fontSizes'] = isset( $font_sizes_by_origin['custom'] ) ? $font_sizes_by_origin['custom'] : ( isset( $font_sizes_by_origin['theme'] ) ? $font_sizes_by_origin['theme'] : $font_sizes_by_origin['default'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['custom'] ) ) { $editor_settings['disableCustomColors'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['custom']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['custom'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['customGradient'] ) ) { $editor_settings['disableCustomGradients'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['customGradient']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['customGradient'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['customFontSize'] ) ) { $editor_settings['disableCustomFontSizes'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['customFontSize']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['customFontSize'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['lineHeight'] ) ) { $editor_settings['enableCustomLineHeight'] = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['lineHeight']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['lineHeight'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['units'] ) ) { $editor_settings['enableCustomUnits'] = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['units']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['units'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['padding'] ) ) { $editor_settings['enableCustomSpacing'] = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['padding']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['padding'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['customSpacingSize'] ) ) { $editor_settings['disableCustomSpacingSizes'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['customSpacingSize']; unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['customSpacingSize'] ); } if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['spacingSizes'] ) ) { $spacing_sizes_by_origin = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['spacingSizes']; $editor_settings['spacingSizes'] = isset( $spacing_sizes_by_origin['custom'] ) ? $spacing_sizes_by_origin['custom'] : ( isset( $spacing_sizes_by_origin['theme'] ) ? $spacing_sizes_by_origin['theme'] : $spacing_sizes_by_origin['default'] ); } $editor_settings['__unstableResolvedAssets'] = _wp_get_iframed_editor_assets(); $editor_settings['__unstableIsBlockBasedTheme'] = wp_is_block_theme(); $editor_settings['localAutosaveInterval'] = 15; $editor_settings['disableLayoutStyles'] = current_theme_supports( 'disable-layout-styles' ); $editor_settings['__experimentalDiscussionSettings'] = array( 'commentOrder' => get_option( 'comment_order' ), 'commentsPerPage' => get_option( 'comments_per_page' ), 'defaultCommentsPage' => get_option( 'default_comments_page' ), 'pageComments' => get_option( 'page_comments' ), 'threadComments' => get_option( 'thread_comments' ), 'threadCommentsDepth' => get_option( 'thread_comments_depth' ), 'defaultCommentStatus' => get_option( 'default_comment_status' ), 'avatarURL' => get_avatar_url( '', array( 'size' => 96, 'force_default' => true, 'default' => get_option( 'avatar_default' ), ) ), ); $post_content_block_attributes = wp_get_post_content_block_attributes(); if ( isset( $post_content_block_attributes ) ) { $editor_settings['postContentAttributes'] = $post_content_block_attributes; } $editor_settings['canUpdateBlockBindings'] = current_user_can( 'edit_block_binding', $block_editor_context ); /** * Filters the settings to pass to the block editor for all editor type. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param array $editor_settings Default editor settings. * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context. */ $editor_settings = apply_filters( 'block_editor_settings_all', $editor_settings, $block_editor_context ); if ( ! empty( $block_editor_context->post ) ) { $post = $block_editor_context->post; /** * Filters the settings to pass to the block editor. * * @since 5.0.0 * @deprecated 5.8.0 Use the {@see 'block_editor_settings_all'} filter instead. * * @param array $editor_settings Default editor settings. * @param WP_Post $post Post being edited. */ $editor_settings = apply_filters_deprecated( 'block_editor_settings', array( $editor_settings, $post ), '5.8.0', 'block_editor_settings_all' ); } return $editor_settings; } /** * Preloads common data used with the block editor by specifying an array of * REST API paths that will be preloaded for a given block editor context. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @global WP_Post $post Global post object. * @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts The WP_Scripts object for printing scripts. * @global WP_Styles $wp_styles The WP_Styles object for printing styles. * * @param (string|string[])[] $preload_paths List of paths to preload. * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context. */ function block_editor_rest_api_preload( array $preload_paths, $block_editor_context ) { global $post, $wp_scripts, $wp_styles; /** * Filters the array of REST API paths that will be used to preloaded common data for the block editor. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param (string|string[])[] $preload_paths Array of paths to preload. * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context. */ $preload_paths = apply_filters( 'block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths', $preload_paths, $block_editor_context ); if ( ! empty( $block_editor_context->post ) ) { $selected_post = $block_editor_context->post; /** * Filters the array of paths that will be preloaded. * * Preload common data by specifying an array of REST API paths that will be preloaded. * * @since 5.0.0 * @deprecated 5.8.0 Use the {@see 'block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths'} filter instead. * * @param (string|string[])[] $preload_paths Array of paths to preload. * @param WP_Post $selected_post Post being edited. */ $preload_paths = apply_filters_deprecated( 'block_editor_preload_paths', array( $preload_paths, $selected_post ), '5.8.0', 'block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths' ); } if ( empty( $preload_paths ) ) { return; } /* * Ensure the global $post, $wp_scripts, and $wp_styles remain the same after * API data is preloaded. * Because API preloading can call the_content and other filters, plugins * can unexpectedly modify the global $post or enqueue assets which are not * intended for the block editor. */ $backup_global_post = ! empty( $post ) ? clone $post : $post; $backup_wp_scripts = ! empty( $wp_scripts ) ? clone $wp_scripts : $wp_scripts; $backup_wp_styles = ! empty( $wp_styles ) ? clone $wp_styles : $wp_styles; foreach ( $preload_paths as &$path ) { if ( is_string( $path ) && ! str_starts_with( $path, '/' ) ) { $path = '/' . $path; continue; } if ( is_array( $path ) && is_string( $path[0] ) && ! str_starts_with( $path[0], '/' ) ) { $path[0] = '/' . $path[0]; } } unset( $path ); $preload_data = array_reduce( $preload_paths, 'rest_preload_api_request', array() ); // Restore the global $post, $wp_scripts, and $wp_styles as they were before API preloading. $post = $backup_global_post; $wp_scripts = $backup_wp_scripts; $wp_styles = $backup_wp_styles; wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-api-fetch', sprintf( 'wp.apiFetch.use( wp.apiFetch.createPreloadingMiddleware( %s ) );', wp_json_encode( $preload_data ) ), 'after' ); } /** * Creates an array of theme styles to load into the block editor. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @global array $editor_styles * * @return array An array of theme styles for the block editor. */ function get_block_editor_theme_styles() { global $editor_styles; $styles = array(); if ( $editor_styles && current_theme_supports( 'editor-styles' ) ) { foreach ( $editor_styles as $style ) { if ( preg_match( '~^(https?:)?//~', $style ) ) { $response = wp_remote_get( $style ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $styles[] = array( 'css' => wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), '__unstableType' => 'theme', 'isGlobalStyles' => false, ); } } else { $file = get_theme_file_path( $style ); if ( is_file( $file ) ) { $styles[] = array( 'css' => file_get_contents( $file ), 'baseURL' => get_theme_file_uri( $style ), '__unstableType' => 'theme', 'isGlobalStyles' => false, ); } } } } return $styles; } /** * Returns the classic theme supports settings for block editor. * * @since 6.2.0 * @since 6.6.0 Add support for 'editor-spacing-sizes' theme support. * * @return array The classic theme supports settings. */ function get_classic_theme_supports_block_editor_settings() { $theme_settings = array( 'disableCustomColors' => get_theme_support( 'disable-custom-colors' ), 'disableCustomFontSizes' => get_theme_support( 'disable-custom-font-sizes' ), 'disableCustomGradients' => get_theme_support( 'disable-custom-gradients' ), 'disableLayoutStyles' => get_theme_support( 'disable-layout-styles' ), 'enableCustomLineHeight' => get_theme_support( 'custom-line-height' ), 'enableCustomSpacing' => get_theme_support( 'custom-spacing' ), 'enableCustomUnits' => get_theme_support( 'custom-units' ), ); // Theme settings. $color_palette = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette' ) ); if ( false !== $color_palette ) { $theme_settings['colors'] = $color_palette; } $font_sizes = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-font-sizes' ) ); if ( false !== $font_sizes ) { $theme_settings['fontSizes'] = $font_sizes; } $gradient_presets = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-gradient-presets' ) ); if ( false !== $gradient_presets ) { $theme_settings['gradients'] = $gradient_presets; } $spacing_sizes = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-spacing-sizes' ) ); if ( false !== $spacing_sizes ) { $theme_settings['spacingSizes'] = $spacing_sizes; } return $theme_settings; } {"id":219722,"date":"2019-03-01T08:58:00","date_gmt":"2019-03-01T08:58:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/\/?p=219722"},"modified":"2019-03-01T08:58:00","modified_gmt":"2019-03-01T08:58:00","slug":"fespaco-2019-point-de-presse-sur-la-participation-de-la-cedeao","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/\/fespaco-2019-point-de-presse-sur-la-participation-de-la-cedeao\/","title":{"rendered":"FESPACO 2019: Point de presse sur la participation de la CEDEAO."},"content":{"rendered":"

Depuis 1993, la Communaut\u00e9 Economique des Etas de l\u2019Afrique de l\u2019Ouest (CEDEAO) soutient le cin\u00e9ma et participe au FESPACO. En cette 26\u00e8me \u00e9dition et cinquantenaire du FESPACO, elle n\u2019a pas d\u00e9rog\u00e9e \u00e0 la r\u00e8gle. La CEDEAO tenu \u00e0 animer une conf\u00e9rence de presse dans leur Stand d’exposition au Si\u00e8ge du FESPACO.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Au cours de ce point de presse, il a \u00e9t\u00e9 question de la participation de la CEDEAO au FESPACO et de la remise du Prix Sp\u00e9cial de l\u2019int\u00e9gration de la CEDEAO. Depuis des lustres, la CEDEAO soutient les initiatives culturelles et cin\u00e9matographiques de l\u2019espace communautaire notamment le FESPACO avec \u00e9galement une enveloppe financi\u00e8re.<\/p>\n


Sur le plan culturel les priorit\u00e9s de la CEDEAO sont sur quatre axes \u00e0 savoir le soutient \u00e0 la conservation et \u00e0 la protection du patrimoine culturel, le d\u00e9veloppement de la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 intellectuelle, le d\u00e9veloppement de l\u2019\u00e9ducation \u00e0 la culture de la paix, le d\u00e9veloppement de l\u2019\u00e9conomie et des industries culturelles.
\nLa CEDEAO d\u00e9cernera deux prix sp\u00e9ciaux au cours de cette \u00e9dition du FESPACO.<\/p>\n


Le premier prix sp\u00e9cial est celui de l\u2019int\u00e9gration et \u00e0 une valeur de 15 millions, le second prix sp\u00e9cial est celui de la meilleure r\u00e9alisatrice ouest africaine d\u2019une valeur de 10 millions. Il faut noter que la valeur des prix sp\u00e9ciaux d\u00e9cern\u00e9s par la CEDEAO depuis 1993 ont consid\u00e9rablement augment\u00e9 de 1 \u00e0 15 millions pour le prix de l\u2019int\u00e9gration et de 1 \u00e0 10 millions pour le prix de la meilleure r\u00e9alisatrice ouest africaine.<\/p>\n


Les crit\u00e8res pour \u00eatre laur\u00e9at des prix sp\u00e9ciaux de la CEDEAO est que le film doit avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 tourn\u00e9 en Afrique de l\u2019ouest mettant en exergue l\u2019int\u00e9gration et les valeurs de la CEDEAO, le prix c\u2019est pour encourager la cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 des femmes.
\nLa CEDEAO est la communaut\u00e9 la plus active au sein de l\u2019union africaine et compte bien profit\u00e9 de la tribune que lui offre le FESPACO pour faire connaitre leurs actions au grand public.<\/p>\n

Parfait Fabrice SAWADOGO<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Depuis 1993, la Communaut\u00e9 Economique des Etas de l\u2019Afrique de l\u2019Ouest (CEDEAO) soutient le cin\u00e9ma et participe au FESPACO. En cette 26\u00e8me \u00e9dition et cinquantenaire du FESPACO, elle n\u2019a pas d\u00e9rog\u00e9e \u00e0 la r\u00e8gle. La CEDEAO tenu \u00e0 animer une conf\u00e9rence de presse dans leur Stand d’exposition au Si\u00e8ge du FESPACO. Au cours de ce […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":219725,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[43,10],"tags":[1124,63],"class_list":{"0":"post-219722","1":"post","2":"type-post","3":"status-publish","4":"format-standard","5":"has-post-thumbnail","7":"category-fespaco","8":"category-musique-moderne","9":"tag-cedeao","10":"tag-fespaco-2019"},"amp_enabled":true,"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/219722","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=219722"}],"version-history":[{"count":3,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/219722\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":219730,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/219722\/revisions\/219730"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/219725"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=219722"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=219722"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=219722"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}